From 1 July 2010, the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (the GIPA Act) requires the Department's Business Centres to publish 'open access information' on their websites unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosing this information.Open access information includes policy documents and documents created by the Business Centre that are tabled in Parliament.
2009-10 [PDF, 69kb]
2008-09 [PDF, 129kb]
2007-08 [PDF, 130kb]
2006-07 [PDF, 76kb]
2005-06 [PDF, 355kb]
2003-05 [PDF, 50kb]
2002-03 [PDF, 104kb]
2001-02 [PDF, 129kb]
2000-01 [PDF, 107kb]
Guidelines for Appointment of Public Defenders [PDF, 1725kb]
Service Level Agreements
If you experience difficulty reading any of the documents and you require an accessible version, please email